Jon Jarvis on "The Joy Trip Project" Podcast

January 25, 2019

James Edward Mills, host of the podcast “The Joy Trip Project”, interviewed Jon Jarvis, ED of Berkeley’s Institute of Parks, People, and Biodiversity. During the interview, Jon discusses the role nature played in his childhood, how his 40-year career within the National Park Service started, and the goals and vision of the Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity.

Additionally, they discuss his role while appointed as the Director of the National Park Service including his goals and vision for the NPS and the steps he took to reach his goals during the Obama administration. Jarvis also discusses his views on the representation of women and minorities in National Parks and monuments.

Jon explains the role of the Institute as a bridge between the research work of a world class institution (UC Berkeley) and the needs of the field that are managing parks and public lands, specifically protected areas. He also explains his hope to fund students who can do the research and who are representative of the demographic of the U.S.

Jon also shares his beliefs on the intergenerational transfer of power from current baby-boomer conservation leaders to leaders of younger generations. He stresses that although there is an abundance of lessons and knowledge to pass on, that new leaders should be allowed to take things in a new direction and do things their own way.

Listen to the podcast here.