Board of Advisors

The Board of Advisors offers experience on parks, people, and biodiversity and assistance with philanthropic donors for the Institute.

Description of the role of the Board of Advisors (PDF File)

Read more about Jonathan B. Jarvis Chairman of the Board UC Berkeley Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity Jonathan B. Jarvis Chairman of the Board UC Berkeley Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity Jonathan Jarvis is a conservationist who served in the U.S. National Park Service for 40 years, serving from 2009 to 2017 as Director, appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Jon began as a seasonal interpretive ranger on the National Mall, Washington, DC, for the U.S. Bicentennial. He also served as a protection ranger, resource management specialist, park biologist, and chief of natural and cultural resources, as superintendent of Craters of the Moon National Monument, Mount Rainier National Park, and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, and as Pacific West Region Director. Director Jarvis helped establish 26 new national parks. He led the National Park Service through its Centennial, inaugurated the “Every Kid in a Park” program of free park admission to 4th grade students, established a national park climate change program, and mobilized the U.S. National Park Service to co-lead the climate change program of the 2014 World Parks Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. He led an update of U.S. national park resource stewardship from static preservation of past conditions to a new goal of managing resources under continuous change to preserve ecological, historical, and cultural integrity. Jon Jarvis was the first Executive Director of the University of California, Berkeley, Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity and now serves as Chairman of the Board of Advisors. Jon Jarvis has received the National Recreation and Park Association Legend Award, Sierra Club Edgar Wayburn Award, International Union for the Conservation of Nature Fred Packard Award, and the American Alpine Club David R. Brower Conservation Award. He has recently co-authored two books, The Future of Conservation in America: A Chart for Rough Water and National Parks Forever: Fifty Years of Fighting and a Case for Independence. photo by Neal Herbert


Former Members
Paul Bardacke, 2023
David Graber, U.S. National Park Service, 2017-2022
Rue Mapp, Outdoor Afro, 2017-2022​
Nina Roberts, San Francisco State University, 2017-2022​


Message from Jonathan Jarvis

  • Former Director of the U.S. National Park Service (2009-2017)
  • First Executive Director of the Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity (2017-2019)
  • Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity (2020-present)