Assistance to Local People and Field Managers

Selected results. Institute established October 24, 2017.

Climate change science for Channel Islands National Park – Translated climate change science for forward-looking resource management goals and field actions in the Resource Stewardship Strategy for Channel Islands National Park, Patrick Gonzalez

Climate change and forest resilience in Rock Creek Park - Recommendations to Rock Creek Park and the Rock Creek Conservancy, Washington, DC, for a new plan to improve forest resilience under climate change, Patrick Gonzalez

Climate change and forest resilience in a San Francisco Bay redwood forest - Recommendations to Peninsula Open Space Trust for planning to improve forest resilience under climate change in redwood forest on private land adjacent to public lands, Patrick Gonzalez

Park-specific climate change assessment reports - Provided park-specific climate change scientific information for natural resource management in climate change assessment reports with local information on climate change impacts, risks, adaptation, and carbon, see Publications page

Climate change adaptation of seed selection – Helped develop a scientifically robust and easy-to-use Internet tool for nursery managers to identify areas to collect plant seeds for vegetation restoration more resilient to potentially hotter and drier conditions under climate change across the state of California, Matthew Kling, Patrick Gonzalez, Seeds of Change tool