Jon Jarvis on Zinke's ideas and the future of the Interior - Greenwire
Read Jon's thoughts on Zinke's ideas and the future of the Department of the Interior.
Inaugural A. Starker Leopold Lecture
Watch the Inaugural A. Starker Leopold Lecture given by author Jordan Fisher Smith.
Jarvis on Zinke's Lasting Damage - The Guardian
Berkeley Institute of Parks, People, and Biodiversity executive director Jonathan Jarvis authored this commentary on the impact of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's tenure. Jarvis is a former director of the National Park Service
Rausser College Breakthroughs Q&A
Rausser College Magazine "Breakthroughs" has a Q&A session with the Institute's Jon Jarvis, Steve Beissinger, and Jenny Mulholland-Beahrs. *Photography by Jim Block*
Van Jones delivers fall Albright Lecture
"I don't believe we have any throwaway children. I don't believe we have any throwaway neighborhoods or nations and we certainly don't have any throwaway species or resources. It's all sacred and yet it's not being treated that way." -Van Jones
New Research finds Severe Human-Caused Climate Change in US National Parks
The article “Disproportionate magnitude of climate change in United States national parks” by a team led by Dr. Patrick Gonzalez, UC Berkeley Associate Adjunct Professor and an affiliate of the Institute, shows that human-caused climate change exposes the US national parks to conditions hotter and drier than the country as a whole.
Inaugural A. Starker Leopold Lecture on September 27
Please join us for the Inaugural A. Starker Leopold Lecture. This event is free and open to the public on Thursday, September 27, 5:00 - 6:45 PM. All event details on the flyer.